2020 BUMP Festival: Mural Update
Wednesday August 19, 2020
We have 11, that’s right 11 murals in progress this week! There are a few more artists that will be starting this week, but the mural composition is in full swing & the artists are all making sure the paint keeps flowing according to plan. We already have 5 murals complete! To keep tabs on the evolution of the murals, our updated Mural Locations Map is located on our Festival Page here
Please keep tagging @yycbump in all your mural adventures, we love seeing pictures of our community come together in supporting the BUMP Festival!
Murals in Progress
Michelle Hoogveld, 1331 16 Ave SW
Sarah Slaughter, 806 12 Ave SW
Nathan Meguinis, 1320 1st St SE
Adrianne Williams, 1520 6 St SW
Nasarimba x Jill Stanton, 629 10 Ave SW
and a few more starting this week!
Completed Murals
Looking for something to do this weekend?
Come join us at our free, all-ages events:
The BUMP Up! location is at 1229 16 Ave SW, we hope to see you there!
Explore murals in-person with one of our self-guided tours:
Over 20 new murals will be painted through the month of August! Lookout for our programs at local businesses in the Beltline and for our first Artist Panel Interview to be released this upcoming week. We have also added to our self-guided tours, so make sure to get a walk or run by some artwork with one (or all) of these options:
yycbump.ca @yycbump #yycbump