Meet The 2024 BUMP Muralists!
Friday July 12, 2024
Here we are, in the eighth year of our mural festival! In recent years, the city has been seeing an evolution of deconstruction and rebuilding with fresh frameworks and public art to continue our growth in thought, feeling and possibility. Last year’s theme was play and this year, we are channeling that whimsy and joy into ELECTRIC EDGE – keeping the fun and upping the energy, spark and intention.
This year we think about being electric as the new state our city is transforming into – a community with a creativity and forward push surging through every street and avenue. We are a city on the edge of the future and intentional about how our innovation and public art is growing. This is apparent in our selection of magnificent muralists, unforgettable events and newly launched Urban Arts Conference this year. Our murals are the rebrand and reminder of the city’s tomorrow, introducing new thoughts and perspectives through the currency of dimension and design. This year, we are on the edge of disruption, deconstructing and designing a better and bolder Calgary starting with your presence as a part of the larger community we are building.
Coming from all corners of the globe, Canada and Calgary, the 2024 mural cohort are sure to continue BUMP’s tradition of elevating the city with captivating and current art. Come and experience the electricity of creation, collaboration and community as we gather Calgary and beyond’s artists, leaders, innovators and disruptors to expand, evolve and elevate the walls of our city. Our artists will be painting from Aug 3 – 18th at various locations in the Beltline and Downtown of our city. You’ll be able to catch some of them speaking at our Urban Art Conference and mingle with current and past BUMP artists at our other events!
Our 2024 BUMP Muralists are:
Katie Green / Stuart Teekasingh / JUMU Monster / EarBugz Collective / Waposhpyii / Andrea Wan / Harvey Nichol / Kat Simmers / Ben Johnston / Bryan Beyung / Meyso / Nick Sweetman
Check out the full list of 2024 visual artists here.
Save the dates, gather your groupchat, and come through to the 2024 BUMP Festival next month! It will be the play to inspire and incite thoughts and feelings of creativity, innovation and passion for the city and its art. Be on the lookout for our full conference programming announcement next week along with RSVP’s!