Calling All Building Owners!

Thursday December 1, 2022

The search is on! We have begun planning the 2023 BUMP Festival and it all begins with us looking for walls in the Beltline area of Calgary. Small, big, wide, in alleyways and parks, in crowded streets and the sides of stores – BUMP looks at buildings of all kinds to pair with festival artists to create beautiful murals. We start by looking at the Beltline and then expand to other neighbourhoods in the city.

If you’ve never housed a mural, you might be wondering why have one? To start with, murals can:

  • enrich communities
  • create beautiful places
  • provoke discussion and add beauty to the everyday 

Through the BUMP Festival, buildings are able to review artist portfolios and rank their preferences of shortlisted artists. BUMP has a very high success rate of pairing artists and walls to make amazing art pieces in the city.  Artists are given the opportunity to design a concept for their paired wall. Building owners will get final approval before installation during our annual August festival. 

In many cases, murals are FREE for buildings in the Beltline, and BUMP is excited to paint on buildings of all shapes and sizes – no wall is too small! In 2022, we painted walls as small as 88 square feet up to 15,000. Your building has the potential to become a canvas for new stories, collaborations, ideas and incredible art. If you or someone you know has a building in mind that would be great for the 2023 BUMP festival, please submit information on this Building Application Google Form