Ventura Jones

Calgary, Canada

Ventura Jones’ life as an artist revolves around all things paint. In 2016, while residing in Ireland, she began her artistic journey through a commitment to daily illustrations. Amid the global upheaval of COVID-19 in 2020, Ventura returned home to Canada, seizing the isolation as an opportunity to hone in on her painting practice. Amidst this whirlwind of changes, Ventura plunged into the industry of scenic painting, where she began painting sets for film and stage productions. Her budding career as a scenic artist continues to transform and inspire her art. Ventura’s work is characterized by playful exploration, building layers to create depth and texture. Strongly influenced by magical realism, she explores the crossroads of reality, whimsy, and the peculiar. While in her role as head scenic artist for Theatre Calgary, Ventura’s artistic pursuits continue to evolve as she grows through inspiring projects such as BUMP.