test tube puppy

Calgary, Canada

test tube puppy is the alter-ego/pseudonym of local emerging artist Becca McGowan (she/they). Her playful paintings combine eye-catching candy-colors with meticulous, precise linework to bring her imaginative inner world to life. Her work frequently portrays a bizarre, inverted version of femininity, to explore and expose (and cope with!) the inherent absurdity of the gender binary. She also finds inspiration in the abundant beauty of the natural world, her partner, and her two cats. Passionate about social justice, Becca has spent the last ten years working by day in front-line human services positions, and will soon be pursuing a Master’s of Social Work degree. Her art practice fuels her in this work by providing an outlet for emotional impacts, as well as an access-point to hope and joy. With any luck, she hopes her art can bring a little bit of fun and magic to your day too!